Welcome to RSP5, our studio's last game. As a Senior Designer during the year and a half of development before the off-road racing game was shelved, I had the privilege of contributing to various aspects that truly showcased my expertise.

One of my main focuses was on designing intuitive UI flows using a method I developed, known as Subway Flows. Prioritizing the user experience, I aimed to ensure that developers and players alike could understand the game effortlessly. By utilizing shapes and colors to represent different parts of the game as their own identifiable sections, collaboration became seamless, allowing the team to switch between different aspects of the game mentally at a moments notice.


Over the course of development, I wrote design documents for over 40 features, delving into the intricacies of each element. Among my proudest accomplishments was the creation of the Race Crew system. As players progressed, they had the opportunity to hire crew members, each represented by unique ID badges of varying rarity that granted additional skills impacting the core gameplay loop. Maintaining the crew's morale and synergy through well-executed gameplay and decision-making events was essential to engaging players. Balancing crew management and finances added depth to the game, with rewarding outcomes for players who mastered the intricacies of the systems. I especially enjoyed creating a real world physical version of the Crew management feature in order to play test the design I created.

In addition to the Race Crew system, I also developed a Repair System that allowed players to fix damage sustained to their vehicles after each event. This tied into the game's currency and economy, requiring players to carefully manage their budgets. With a time economy influencing what could be repaired before the next event, players faced strategic decisions that added depth and realism to the gameplay experience.

Though RSP5 may not have reached its final release, it remains a testament to the passion and creativity poured into its development.
